Preoperative Screening Software

NovaCair is a user-friendly digital preoperative screening tool. In the core this project is a questionnaire that can be filled out by the patient at home. The answers are then sent to the our platform where the answers are analyzed by a doctor. The doctor can then decide whether the patient is fit for surgery or not and pay attention during surgery.

The project was built in a way that it can be used by multiple hospitals and the tool can be opened from within the hospital software. The tool is not only a stand-alone solution but was also connected to the EPD, meaning that whenever the patient has filled in the questionnaire, the status within the EPD is updated. This allowed for a fast and smooth workflow, thus saving time and money.

The questionnaire is fully customizable, rules can be set and the questionnaire such that a patient gets the right questions based on its answers. My role here was Software and DevOps Engineer. I was involved building and maintaining features on the frontend, backend and the server side.

Here I've got unique insight into building software for Hospitals. The fact that mistakes now could lead to very undesirable results made me a lot more careful and ultimately a better developer.

The beauty of this project is that it is partly a Web Tool that can be opened from within the hospital software. Therefore, allowing quick release cycles and fewer dependencies on machines that reside on premise.

  • I was responsible for massive overhauls on the system, refactoring code such that it was more future-proof and more flexible.
  • Added tons of features to the online web portal. Utilizing and deepening my skills on the frontend, backend and the server side (Linux).

Experiences gained here:

  • Vue2 / Vue3
  • Laravel v9
  • Flutter
  • Deepening knowledge of running on Amazon Web Services.
  • Deepening Knowledge of PHP8
  • How hospitals operate and take decisions
  • Build EPD connections

Any further questions? Feel free to contact me!


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