The Social Recipe App.

Tjapp is a social recipe app that helps you keep track of your favorite recipes. The idea for the app is born from an own need. During our grown-up lives, the question of "what do we eat tonight?" arises sooner or later in the day.

Many times you come up with a good answer, but after a while you forget what it was. The app is meant as a way of keeping track of your recipes, the ones you've made before and loved. For me this often means an adaption of an existing recipe I've found somewhere online. I do keep screenshots of these recipes, but I often forget to save the link to the original recipe.

This is where Tjapp comes in. The app helps you keep track of your recipes with a dedicated UI that is built for adding ingredients and the steps to make the recipe.

The power will come from the fact that you can share your recipes with your friends and family and they can do the same. This way you can keep track of your favorite recipes and share them too!

In the past I've been working with React Native, but as the technology progressed, I've been looking for a way to keep my skills up-to-date. Therefore I've combined my wish for a good app where I can simply keep track of my recipes with the wish to improve my skills in React Native.
The app is built using React Native, NodeJS and Postgres. The app is currently in development and will be released soon.

Experiences gained here:

  • Deepening my knowledge of NodeJS & Express.
  • Typescript build tool: SWC
  • Write tests for NodeJS
  • Deepening my knowledge of Typescript
  • Continuing my journey with React Native and building apps
  • Improving on using Expo.

Any further questions? I'd love to show it to you!



Start - Until

Jan. 2022 - Present


Do you have a project in mind? Let's talk.